Saturday, July 26, 2008

Keeping up the intensity

I hope that I haven't made this all seem easy, because sometimes it isn't.

This whole process is more about behavior modification than simple math (although what we are doing is very simple math). Because it is about behaviors, sometimes you can slip back into your old behavior patterns, particularly when things really seem to be humming along smoothly.

That was us, earlier this month. :(

We started out the month paying a very large sum of money towards our credit cards (this is a good thing) and it kinda went downhill from there.

Since the kids were gone, we apparently decided that eating at home was not the way to go. I have not added up how much we spent eating out, but I am sure it is more than our entire monthly food budget.

We also bought stuff for the house (not budgeted for) like new door handles - because we wanted (dare I say, deserved) it.


This sounds like the 'old us' all over again.

So - after an appropriate personal wet noodling - we are back on the plan again. We are going to have to chock all of that up to more stupid tax and go on with our lives.

I just hate being makes me feel so....well....not smart. ;)

So here we go - we still have $6500 left to pay off, and come heck or high water, it is going to get paid off by the end of August.

Maybe I will post some of our budget totals know, we can let that horrify everyone.

Go ahead, leave a comment blasting us for our stupidity. We deserve it. Just keep it clean, the kids might read it. :)


Courtney Smith said...

I've made the first step....bought the book.

Keith (no more debt for me) said...

That's awesome. I just loaned one of ours out to a friend. Hopefully this catches on... :)