Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Quick post - my daughter gets it.

I really love the idea of our kids not making the money mistakes we did, so we do talk about it a lot. So much so, that I feel like they might get tired of hearing about it.

Apparently my daughter gets it. :)

I have asked her (half jokingly) when she will be getting her first credit card. Answer: 'Never!'

We have watched TV shows with people (just like her parent's, but I don't mention that part) who had been really bad with their money and are now paying the price. She will ask 'Why did they do that? It doesn't make any sense.'.

She saves up her money for things she wants, even though I know it is hard for her to pass on opportunities to get stuff NOW.

She puts some of her money in her savings account and puts her own money (if she is carrying it) in the offering plate at church.

*As a side note to that, she likes to fill out the envelope in the seats and put her money in that. She actually got a tax receipt for that last year. :)

We have even been driving down 635 and she recognizes Dave Ramsey on a billboard. :)

I know when she gets older that the temptation will still be there, but hopefully these early lessons will be enough to keep her out of the financial messes we have gotten ourselves into.

Now if I can just convince her that dating should hold off until your late 20's/early 30's....

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