Monday, October 20, 2008

The Financial Mess

Wow - 3 posts in a row!!! Laura will probably pass out from shock!

I was actually just finishing my last post and got reminded of something I saw earlier today about Warren Buffet. He basically said that NOW is the time to invest.

While many people are running scared and screaming SELL SELL SELL, he is screaming BUY BUY BUY!!!!!

Here is the article

I checked out my 401k, and it is down about 75% from the prices I was paying. That sounds horrible, but I decided that since I am not trying to retire this year, I should try to buy at the fire sale prices. As of today, I am investing 4x as much as I was earlier in the year.

If we do a little math, that means I am buying 4 times as much at 1/4 the price. I will actually be buying about 16 times as much stock as I was 12 months ago each time I invest. In my opinion, that is a really good thing.

For those of you still paying off debt, don't sweat it too much. Get that stuff knocked out and there will still be plenty of time to invest later.

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