Monday, October 20, 2008

Really Livin' Like No One Else

So we decided to try taking the whole 'livin' like no one else' thing to a new area.

Can you say VACATION? I knew you could.

This vacation was taken differently than the 'normal' way. We paid CASH up front for the trip, plus we only spent CASH on the trip.

This is one vacation that will not follow us home. We do not have to worry about more (or worse yet, new) bills coming in and then trying to find a way to pay them.

Vacations are awesome, and this one was no different. No stress, no worries, nothing but eat, sleep, drink and be merry (not necessarily in that order).

Just for those who do not know, we took a 5 day Carnival cruise to Mexico.

It rocked.

Y'all should really get to the point where you can take these types of vacations. It's feels far better than the 'normal' way. Just get past BS2 and you are home free!!!

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